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Choosing courses for your classes

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After setting up your classes, the next step is choosing courses for your classes, based on their coding experience.

We have courses specifically for those that are new to Rodocodo (called Starter courses), and courses for those who have previously used Rodocodo.

If your school is already using Rodocodo, then skip to the choosing courses for existing schools section below.

For EYFS (4-5 year olds) and KS1 children (5-7 year olds) you should choose the course that corresponds to their age. So for 4-5 year olds, choose the Reception course, 5-6 year olds choose the Year 1 course, and 6-7 year olds choose the Year 2 course.

For KS2 (7-11 year olds) the Year 3 – Year 6 courses will have too high a learning curve for children who haven’t used Rodocodo before so we’ve created Starter courses which assume no prior coding knowledge. So for example, if your class are in Year 4 (8-9 year olds) then you should choose the Year 4 Starter course instead of the Year 4 course.

Choosing courses for new schools

If your class is new to Rodocodo and haven’t used it before, we recommend you set the courses as follows for your year groups:

AgeUK Year GroupsUS / International GradesSuggested Course
5-6Year 1KindergartenYear 1
6-7Year 21st GradeYear 2
7-8Year 32nd GradeYear 3 Starter
8-9Year 43rd GradeYear 4 Starter
9-10Year 54th GradeYear 5 Starter
10-11Year 65th GradeYear 6 Starter

Note: Completing the units as suggested in the table above will mean that next year they’ll be at the appropriate level for their year group and you can switch to choosing the course based on year group. For example, if this year’s Year 4 class complete the Year 4 Starter course, they can then move on to the Year 5 course. They should not do Year 5 Starter.

Choosing courses for existing schools

If your class has already been using Rodocodo then we suggest you choose the course for this year based on their progress rather than year group. This is to avoid an unnecessarily steep learning curve if they haven’t completed the requisite work for that course.

Note: If you have a new child in your class who hasn’t used Rodocodo before then please use the choosing courses for new schools table to choose the appropriate Starter course for them.

Current CourseCompleted at LeastSuggested Course
ReceptionNoneYear 1
Year 1NoneYear 2
Year 2First 3 unitsYear 3
Year 3First 3 unitsYear 4
Year 3 StarterFirst 4 unitsYear 4
Year 4First 3 unitsYear 5
Year 4 StarterFirst 8 unitsYear 5
Year 5First 3 unitsYear 6
Year 5 StarterFirst 11 unitsYear 6
Key Stage 2First 7 unitsYear 4
Key Stage 2First 11 unitsYear 5
Key Stage 2All 14 unitsYear 6

Make sure your class has completed at least the number of units specified in the table before moving your class up to the next course. If they haven’t, consider getting them to finish the minimum number of units or resetting their progress and starting the course again

To view a class’ progress to determine which course to put them on follow these steps:

  1. Log in at
  2. Go to the Classes section.
  3. Click on the Progress button.
  4. You can now view the progress of your whole class.

You can see how many units each child in the class has completed.

How to set the course

Once you’ve decided on the course for each class you just need to update the course.

  1. Log in at
  2. Go to the Classes section.
  3. Click on the Edit button for the class you want to change.
  4. Choose the Course.
  5. Click the Update button.

Now when any student in that class logs in they’ll see the correct course.

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